"I am a nomad, not a farmer. I am an adorer of the unfaithful, the changing, the fantastic.""The one thing you dread it, letting yourself fall, taking the step into uncertainty, the little step beyond all the securities that existed. And whoever had once surrendered himself, one single time. Who ever had entrusted himself to fate was liberated. It was blissful to live, it was blissful to die. No magic ever interrupted the eternal chain of birth, the endless succession of God's breath. But there was another kind of peace to be found within your own self. Its name was, let yourself fall. Do not fight back, die gladly live gladly."
两小时的电影把许鞍华的形象记录得极为鲜明——有关怀有追求但又心态开放手法灵活(与同样成为纪录对象的杨德昌形成鲜明对比)她的故事开始于常去戏院的童年发展自对拍电影本身的钟意呻吟乳头夹跳蛋现在走到要坚守对香港这座城市的承诺要为香港拍电影她拿终身成就奖时的那句“Long Live Cinema”说到我的心坎去