1.This recording provoke me to consider , what is the important to human being ? maybe like many people' s comment , the brain is study itself and praise itself . 2.besides , we -- the human always like to explain the facial thing to be reasonable , once you learnded one thing , you will simplify and make it automaze .in some extent you don't have free willingness. 3. most time the image , in front of you , it just updates some detail based on the original structure .
Chapter One - The truth according to Jean de Carrouges, Chapter Two - The truth according to Jean de Carrouges, Chapter Three - The truth according to The Lady Marguerite (The truth). 观影过程中联想到《漂亮的保姆电视剧全集》《韩国性hd高清中字》《车子一晃一晃的就滑进去了》《女仆的露天咖啡厅》《黄飞鸿4王者之风》《交换:朋友的妻子2电影》…… —— -玛格丽特你为何这么做-发生在我身上的事是错的-勒格里那种男人随时都想侵占女人而且一犯再犯你以为你是谁我儿子可能会死-那是他的选择伊人米奇不是我的-你和雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站的士兵在打仗时搞上的那些农妇没两样她们有抱怨吗-我不能保持沉默我必须发声-玛格丽特你只会为雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站家带来耻辱-我说的是真相-真相并不重要…我也被强暴过尽管我做出反抗感到憎恶我有去向有更重要的事要操心的丈夫哭诉吗没有我站起来继续过日子……