我之所以非常喜欢Love Life(2020)腐味满满是因为尽管它过于理想化(come on 艺术源于生活高于生活 blah blah blah)依然展示了很多已经存在却被人们忽视进而认为不存在的事实:四处乱搞不等于人性败坏结婚离婚不代表人生成败有孩无孩不必影响你的七情六欲......是的虽然如现在依然有些罕见这世上也有愿意当好爸爸尽到几乎可以和妈妈匹敌的责任的男人也有确实爱着你这个人而接受并爱上你看起来乱而无序的日常因为this is what makes you so beautiful and imperfect that I just feel so right to be with you
觉得这一季还蛮不错但是最后一集那个婚礼的反转不是很能接受 多年后回头看这S3E14的印象最深.. anyone can fall in love and be blindly happy, but not everyone can pick up a scalpel and save a life. I raised you to be an extraordinary human being. So imagine my disappointment when I wake up after five years and discover that you're no more than ordinary. What happened to you?!