剧场版rupaul为了了解美国80年代的舞会和变装文化本来权当记录片看得结果竟然觉得还挺好看抛开脸谱化的人设唐砖可能作为LBGT群体看这个确实会产生巨多共鸣Miss Candy, do you have category dyslexia?一口水差点呛死ballroom drag trans category realness voguing read shade hooker aids death这里应有尽有大团圆的结局最后都泪目了四星半推荐
每周都觉得这剧离烂尾更近了 Finale 总算是加了点分 I'm only watching for the gifs and the fanfics and the meta analysis at this point / 说是 peace at last but I doubt a man like tommy will enjoy peace for long. whatever enlightenment/having fought off the demons will only allow him to come back even more unhinged & invincible lol