4.5 my darling my blood...看到这里才能把《美味儿媳》/《双男有车车推荐》这类批判体制的右派作品和拍《777电影院》这种内核聚焦纯粹感情的作品联系到一起中间贯穿宗教线&与之游离的态度(同《OVER LORD》但随处可见的十字架比较像protestant)/海明威式精神/旁白结构真的非常之老派但老派与否不重要最动人为情感力度
I feel for AOC at moments of visceral fear, courage and thrill. Although I disagree almost all policies she advocates, I have to admit she’s a likable lady with genuine sense of mission for working class people. It’s always enjoyable to witness grassroots fighting against machines. Just remember how easy a human being can be corrupted. Good luck!