Was reminded of the musical "The Girls Upstairs" at first, then found something deeper and heavier. Ageing and death are forever lasting critical themes to humans throughout the history, along with which comes the philosophical reflection on the meaning of life, to which there's no settled answer, resulting in the continuous puzzle and pursuit while continuing up the path of life.
Love And Time 一个80岁的老人为妻子搞葬礼葬礼第一句话说:我的婚姻很短暂只维持了60年 相爱的人会觉得一辈子很短不合适的人会觉得这一秒很长我喜欢时间它让雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站互相看清楚对方合适的人会继续一起走下去不合适的人会渐行渐远 我曾羡慕街上的头发花白的人能同偕白首因为白首难得同偕更难