Old school, with classic themes of the human/demon world. Sex is also an omnipresent theme, sometimes it's even disturbing. Polished plans, nice kitschy music, with a big and appreciated turnover in an average scenario. But the dialogues are plain and main character sucks.
两部all time favorite的美剧一部是Narcos一部是The Crown和第三季相比人物略片面了一点点但瑕不掩瑜外面看着鲜花着锦瑞典莫莉1977里面却是lost and lonely最后一集菲利普亲王说的可谓“点题”:是制度的残忍造成了每一个人的悲剧因为制度不会保护除了中心以外的任何人最喜欢Balmoral test一集会二刷三刷