Essential American Film: the opposite of American dream: you lose everything without even knowing how... 想起那个故事:一位美国中产女士遭遇车祸昏迷一年其间保险用完房屋财产抵押女士醒来后直接变成homeless... 这个片子也不单是在抽象层面那些恐惧的温暖的绝望的瞬间都是日常的小小的也铭心的至尊红颜非常动人;说到底失去之后努力不动声色匆匆前行不就是(你)我PS. 小米好好看演得也好好
今年最佳午休看完 我也很想她1“But that's their strategy, live fast and die young.” 2but the most important thina gentleness. And I think that's the thing that thousands of hours in nature can teach a child.