虎爸鸡娃的故事在当今的黑人人权与女权议题下重新被包装和召唤出来从家庭层面上这是一个极其蛮横和冒险的赌博孩子的自信被建构在持续的胜利之上其精神状态是脆弱的但社会总是会赞颂这样的教育实验中成功的例子一起看流星雨2这种“优绩主义”叙事以一种极端的方式进行着平权简而言之good job but I'll never support you.
Tough crime drama with a little dark comedy, it's a marvelous homage to the gangster films of old while still feeling fresh and different. The direction and beautiful cinematography give the film a wonderful look, such an entertaining and fun movie, particularly for fans of gangster films.