很有冲击力, 黑白摄影和整体气质很搭内核是迷失和寻找自我 // 配乐赞有一段是用的Handel的主题;探险家舍弃一切随身物后保留的唱片机里放出来的是Haydn's The Creation在深夜的原始丛林里听着这样神圣的音乐绝了 // 原住民看到自己的湿版摄影人像说那是chullachaqui // 这个邪教居然是真实存在的 // To become warriors, the cohiuanos must abandon all and go alone to the jungle, guided only by their dreams. In this journey, he has to find out, in solitude and silence, who he really is. He must become a wanderer dream. Many are lost, and some never return. But those who return they are ready to face what is to come.
千万不要和主角较劲他命永远比你硬尤其是别动人家老婆的主意中国特色“走后门”性感女邻居就是比你们这些买正规门票的早进场MADE IN CHINA是最明智的选择便宜嘛让你楼造那么高倒塌的时候活该全砸自己头上SONY牌笔记本您在末日的选择噢全世界毁灭的视觉效果确实很好很好