end of an era.最后一集并不算好何必给每个人都安排一个归宿呢毕竟世事难料乡村艳遇除了死亡幸福与苦难都不是确定的即使不是像Don这样极端祈望爱却因而无法得到爱的人普通的雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站也的确像在冰箱的架子上光芒与别人的笑容和抚摸都是瞬间但这无碍雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站在自欺和孤独中活下去
"She's an alien to me since she was born." We never try to understand and forgive people in time, even in the role of a mother. But it never is too late to pay back. The heroine in this one spent her life after her son's death to pay this price, gently, and movingly.