life doesnt always turn out the way you planned. 简答的故事表达了常见却常被人忽略的现象其实那个更加适合雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站的人就生活在雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站的身边雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站常常追求雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站的summer而错过了真正适合的autumn感觉还没说完
I loved him in a brutal way, for the handsome and dashing.——Why you wanna be a writer? It’s a way of keeping things alive. If I write it down, it is being alive forever. ——I love you for you are sensitive, romantic and weak.