The trailers were epic, but the actual movie is below mediocre. They should’ve done a mini-series to build up every character, I mean what was the point of me sitting there for two hours to watch something so weak that I would forget almost immediately? What did I gain??
年纪大了很难耐心也没勇气期待任何青春躁动的语言但镜头运用和Vincent精湛的表演无一不彰显了怒火和青春的主题(翻译真好)厕所老头、母牛和贯穿的坠落比喻形成超现实主义的上帝视角羞羞官网就像在最结尾处与开头呼应 闭眼的Said见证了整个社会的坠落(jusqu’ici tout va bien) 而它依然是在躁动中的坠落(确实是有勇气的社会批判青春题材佳作)c’est moi tu parles-You talkin‘ to me 但和Vinz全然是60s的法国暴躁和美式完全不同