伟大的物理学家即使有世界大同的包容也因时局无法真正做到海森堡像一个永远拿到摔碎棒棒糖的倔强男孩Bohr不可避免地有防御心人总是身不由己地选边站队如果十年前我会为科研的uncertainty感到迷茫小唐璜感情吏现在只是觉得列侬imagine里的一切都难以做到.We live in a pause,wait for the next one. I really miss the golden old days when I can pay no attention to news.
Kuomintang, or “nationalist party.” The party founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen which forced the last emperor, Pu Yi, to abdicate the throne and created the Republic of China. Today, the Kuomintang is the opposition party in Taiwan, whose official name is still “the Republic of China