完全不敢看的那种纪录片然后还是狂哭着看完了amy完全是被周围的人大学生迷情校园尤其是丈夫和父亲毁掉的人长大后生活不幸的人和不幸的童年绝对脱不了干系多少父母无意间已经让孩子的人生彻底崩塌得到拯救的是少数幸运者她的天赋为她带来过多的名声可她的脆弱让她并没有为面对这一切做好准备(虽然我觉得永远没人能真正能准备好)她只是个脆弱敏感的女孩那么单纯那么轻盈却折断在了真正学会爱自己之前and that's what breaks my heart."if i could give it back just to walk down that street with no hassle, i would." "slow down, you are too important, life teaches you really how to live it , if you can live long enough..."
Fear eats the soul. 他们平淡无奇的面部表情压的我喘不过气来他们去死吧虚伪的人都去死吧 “we will be rich, Ali. And we'll buy ourselves a little piece of heaven” "I don't want other women. I love only you. --- I love you too, together we will be strong"