omygodsheldon和amy获得了诺贝尔物理学奖而那个一直以自我为中心的sheldon竟然在颁奖时刻说出了没有我的人另一个家庭(朋友)我不会站在这里他让自己的朋友们都起立黄页视频网获得了聚光灯他说i love you allby my ways暴哭12年了聚散终有时美式情景喜剧再次以friends为核心成就了一段历史
660-17-Dialogue-2. show audience what is going on than tell. Expository dialogue telling what's happening, to happen, or did happen, delivering facts protagonist or some other character must have to move story forward. To set plot in motion, need a courtroom expository scene. Without presenting information, rest of film doesn't work for audience.