This divorce means money. Money means independence. That’s what I’m after./ One husband at a time./Struggle and challenge and ultimate destruction of your opponents,that’s life./ You’re looking for trouble. It’s a midlife crisis, get a new car.-I have 2 new cars, torn the house down twice, rebuilt the cabin in Vail, I’ve got a man who waxes my jet.
两集弃好大一坨狗屎只见人物要么捡着吃要么搅拌着吃要么舔着吃所有的奇情怪异的肢体扭动和人物潜在散发一种“F*** me i want it”的直觉勾引剧作在是一坨屎的前提下编剧演员导演所呈现的一切灾难都在这坨屎身上撒尿如果跟《美丽女生》有什么关系《美丽女生》是拍给人看的而《绿色椅子在线》是拍给这个电视剧受众的老白男old money他们抽着雪茄带着他们刻板的印象审视这坨时代潮流电子垃圾所诞生的超下贱的偶像上位他们看着这坨屎如何制作转头就倒掉