几多误会、绯闻、真相都无需在意When Pierre confronts Pauline at her cousin's house, Pauline is interrupted in reading a Gallimard book entitled 'L'Ennemi public n° 2', written by Gérard Lecas.
深入人心的电影一个人一生都在成长或改变前提是自省才能自新大家庭里外婆一直都是明白人对于女儿she could have done better. 所以决定改变外孙,让他远离losers, 学好然后才有机会那个计算器和那顿饭之后才有了从军和Yale Law SchoolWhere you came from is who you are, but you can make choices to become who you want to be. 姐姐承受更多更有理由放弃但她选择了原谅因为妈妈的过往比他们还不堪I can't defend her, but I'm trying to forgive her.还有女友更是体贴FREEZEFRAME丰满少妇也是因为类似的奋斗和挣扎的过往...