I'm putting a spell on you...[sizzling...] Everything I do, it's not a choice. It's always a matter of necessity. I call it honesty, which is the most precious thing for me. And this is not a choice either. This is instinct. If free is no fear, I think I'm on my way.
故事的环扣啊想到之前看到乔伊斯的《情人未删减》小说的第一句是写在最后一页上的而最后一句则写在第一页上——这样一种"历史循环论"也是电影中故事的开头同样是故事结尾之循环如一条衔尾蛇仍在不断地讲着故事电影在讲故事之外也穿插了不少神学与哲学对话比如“希伯来上帝用一个词语创造了世界”、“how to explain poetry without the help of ghosts”、 -“Empirical science contributes to disbelief.” 经验科学导致对信仰的缺失 -”Only an ignorant man thinks he understands what he sees. A true scholar has to solve many