Gentlemen may talk of the age of chivalry, but remember the ploughmen, poachers and pickpockets whom they lead. It is with these sad instruments that your great warriors and kings have been doing their murderous work in the world. 线式战术见识了欧洲的七年战争英国从法国那里得到加拿大没过几年美国独立战争开始之后加拿大也独立这个世界... //The Colonel may say I'm a ruined lad, and send me to the Devil. But be sure of this, I would go to the Devil to serve the Regiment. 所有的捷径都通往黑暗龟的头边上有一圈小疙瘩没有例外决斗决斗决斗;鸽子文明与野蛮的分别是什么