在极权政体下if one is guilty, all is guilty; if one is not guilty, no one is guilty.这也是法理难以评判的两难境地patriotism成为某些人的借口也蒙蔽了另外一些尚存正义之人的双眼然而意识总规是意识当不正当的法令初次颁布当第一个无辜的人被判有罪剩下的人其实已经清楚将要发生什么这不仅是德国人的责任世界上还有许多像他们一样的人不论是过去还是当下人们总希望为战争找到一个正义的辩护过后又要遗忘为的是向前看然而就像电影中虚构的前司法部长Dr. Janning所说if we weren't aware, it is because we didn't want to know漠视本身难道没有罪
Wow. What more can I say other than that this is the kind of film for a cinephile to live for. Perhaps only one half the film Welles intended it to be but already one of the greatest stylistic tour de force in cinematic history. And Rita Hayworth in a sailor's cap and black swimming suit. OMG. 然而四邑话真心听不懂