When the dancers move, I want the audience to feel something pulling back against them, the mortality that everyone’s desperate to escape from but can’t… it’s Greek tragedy Persephone… I want to feel the membrane that separates our world from the heaven’s, that we can never quite touch… if we can stretch a little further, we’d be immortal. 这段太感人
7.7不科学这么良心的番我二集就被收服了太有爱了久草丝袜觉得银魂可以出一集吐槽啦哈哈~新八唧和土方玩得太欢了吓得我蛋黄酱撒了一地难道是因为中二的大字报这不是重点啊kill la kill不也一样照样燃到爆op、ed都很赞bgm更不用说这分数必须得升上去upupup