好奇怪从片头空镜头就开始流眼泪中间好几次都快抽泣哭掉三包纸巾太奇怪了…制片人说导演心中的主题是诗与存在但我觉得还有一条是诗与乡愁换个方式做吧这个nostalgia不光是对北京那个大门-脉房-庭院-内厢房的建筑的乡愁还有在忧患里对风吹树叶声的乡愁对唐诗宋词黄金时代的乡愁所以要“pass the parcel”要主动地去讲学联合早报那里也看得我特别难过就双方原本应该是合在一起才完整的文化脉络割裂对峙到如今无法挽回的程度
After Soviet Union collapsed 30 years, the most popular review of this show is accusing that HBO should not go into a ideological debates. Did HBO do that? No. If the truth offends your socialist superiority dream, I’m sorry for truth hurts. How can ppl just fudge shit while eating shit everyday? How stupid you have to be to speak out those shit?!