Tbh, the male gaze in this series is fucking atrocious. It’s not just about the surface work like, now we see men getting full frontal. But women are not just different fantasies serve on your platter: your beauty-pageant-queen, cheerleading, ice-princess, goth-dream-pixie-girl, tomboy-like females. They’re teenage girls for fuck’s sake.
这部电影给后世搞笑依托于剧情的喜剧形式奠定了基础卓别林在第一部长片里就展现了大师风采小孩子的表演非常棒配乐也很好听打架那段戏应该是城市之光里拳击桥段的雏形"A picture with a smile - and perhaps, a tear" 卓别林是悲剧大师但始终以欢笑结尾刘冠成作为一个悲观主义者还没有给过他第五颗星这部例外