The life of every man leads him towards his own self. It is an attempt to find a way, the trace of the past. No man has ever been entirely himself. Yet each one strives to become such, some groping blindly others in a conscious way. It was blissful to live it was blissful to die.
我没看之前以为斑比是个女孩纸哈哈哈弹幕20分钟的时候告诉我斑比的母亲要被猎杀立马来看了剧透这要是小孩子看不是有点悲伤嘛又看有人说大背景是二战期间里面的配音好奶哦原来真的是小盆友配的画质好酥服开头到结尾是生命的代代传承一开始以为thumper是小松鼠后来发现他是小兔纸他里面有句台词:“If you don't say something nice, then say nothing”果然温柔是良药呀原来还有小说相爷与女H嗯啊好像改了不少妈妈对斑比说不要回头猎人一直没有图像我想是怕给小孩子留下童年阴影吧