1、“雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站不会永远活着雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站会死去、腐烂” “我恐怕不太同意从人类在洞壁上留下第一个手印开始雷竞技RAYBET·(中国)官方网站就在历史上一直存在着”(from the first human handprint on a a cave wallwe are part of something continuous) 2、“你总是告诉我你的工作关乎的不是过去或者现在而是未来公交车系列高h是为了让后世子孙知道自己来自何处公交车系列高h是将祖先与后代联系起来的纽带你不总是这么说么”(you always told me your work isn't about the past or even the present. it is for the future.so that the next generations can know where they came from. the line that joins them to their forebears.)