8.6 听听吧:At the heart of the First Amendment is the recognition of the importance of the free flow of ideas. Freedom to speak one's mind is not only an aspect of individual liberty, but essential to the quest for truth and the vitality of society as a whole. "We won, baby"
研究价值大于电影价值更像是很珍贵的资料陈列酒吧的光影非常棒一些访谈应该也有打光的痕迹奇观的部分还是太多了缺乏了向内走的力量好几段采访感觉都差口气国产欧美另类在线每次察觉到将进一步挖掘人物内心的时刻都戛然而止拍摄者还是太温柔了没法下狠手去逼迫自己的拍摄者竟然无意中听到了the love unlimited orchestra的歌也算是跟drag queen们有了一丝链接了